Owing back taxes to the IRS where you simply do not have the money to pay it creates a stressful situation. You no doubt are receiving routine IRS phone calls and multiple notices. After a while you become so used to this that you begin to dodge the phone calls, and probably don’t even open your mail from the IRS. This is a dangerous situation to get into because one of these pieces of mail could be advising you that the IRS is going to take legal action which could be in the form of an IRS levy or asset seizure. You need to put a stop to IRS levy and seizure action immediately. The best way to do this is with the help of an experienced tax attorney that specializes in this area of tax law.
Up until now you have been able to buy some time by ignoring contact from the IRS. Once you have received a levy notice you only have 21 days to respond. The moment you receive this notice you should get the professional help that you need. If you don’t and the IRS is not satisfied with your response concerning the looming levy, then at the end of the 21 days you will no longer have access to those funds which the levy has been processed against.
Once you retain the services of a professional tax attorney, the first thing he will likely do after your initial consultation is get a postponement of the levy, so he can fully review your tax situation. Not only is this going to give you temporary relief but you will also feel like a big weight has been lifted off your shoulders, even before your tax matter is solved. You are going to find it refreshing to have a tax expert to talk to that is going to be able to enlighten you as to the possible choices that you have to get your tax matter resolved. Often taxpayers that are in arrears and are facing an IRS levy and seizure don’t realize that there are solutions.
It is understandable why so many people that owe back taxes do their best to avoid contact with the IRS. They are at a loss as to what to say to these tax agents when they don’t know their financial future. This lack of response however only continues to paint a bad picture of you, depicting you as an irresponsible taxpayer that is trying to avoid paying what is owed to the tax department. If this goes on long enough then you risk having your assets seized as you may be regarded as a tax evader. This is not a situation you want to even take any type of chance of getting into.
The best way to handle your tax problem even if you cannot pay it is to utilize the expertise of professionals who know how to negotiate with the IRS. The earlier your bring in a tax lawyer to represent you the less likely you are to have legal action taken against you. It is far more difficult for these tax pros to negotiate a suitable solution once legal action has started, however it is not impossible. The sooner you take the right action the sooner you will feel some mental relief of having to deal with the incessant collection methods of the IRS.
You may be experiencing such a heavy debt load right now that you are forgetting about the assets that you do have which could be at risk. If you own a home or a car then these are assets that could be considered for seizure in extreme cases by the IRS. You can never take anything for granted when it comes to the IRS and in what light they see you in. As mentioned, if your actions have mislead the IRS department into thinking that you are willfully evading tax payment then there are serious repercussions to this.
Hand over your tax problem to a reputable tax attorney and let them put things right for you with your tax obligation.
Our New York tax law firm offices are located in New York State but we are able to help you in any state across the country. We can work with you no matter where you live. Mr. Hart is licensed to deal with the IRS in every state in the entire country.