Category: Tax Debt

Failure to File and Failure to Pay

6 March, 2013 | Tax Debt

Failure to File and Failure to Pay When a taxpayer does not file their returns for their personal income taxes, or if a taxpayer files for an extension but never files, the IRS does not forget about the unfiled returns.  For each year a taxpayer does not file, the IRS may issue a notice of deficiency for each year at issue.  One defense to the Failure to File Penalty in the Tax Code is reasonable cause.  To prove reasonable cause for failure to file ti... CONTINUE READING

Tax Settlements to Exonerated Prisoners: A Way to Avoid this Tax Problem

2 January, 2013 | Tax Debt

Tax Settlements to Exonerated Prisoners: A Way to Avoid this Tax Problem Federal Congressmen introduced a bill on March 22, 2012 that would prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from taxing settlements awarded to anyone wrongfully convicted of a crime and then exonerated later. These wards are typically paid out by the State or City who wrongfully convicted the person. The Wrongful Convictions Tax Relief Act of 2012 would amend the Internal Revenu... CONTINUE READING

What to Do When You Receive an IRS LT11 Notice of Intent to Levy

Summary An LT11 Notice of Intent to Levy is sent by the IRS to taxpayers to inform them of their unpaid tax balance and the potential seizure of their assets. This notice is usually preceded by other letters and notic...