Tax Attorney Free Consultation & What to Expect | NY Tax Attorney

August 14, 2024 | Tax Help | Tax Issues



1. A free consultation with a tax attorney allows individuals to assess their needs, determine if they require an attorney, and evaluate the law firm’s expertise and approach.

2. Law firms offer free consultations to attract potential clients and showcase their expertise.

3. Free consultations focus on getting to know the client’s problems and goals. 4. To prepare effectively for a free consultation, individuals should gather relevant documents, create a timeline of their issue, write down questions, think about their desired outcome, create a budget, and consider questions to ask the attorney.

4. Warning signs to watch for in attorney consultations include overly salesy or pushy behavior, lack of experience, legal jargon that is not easily understood, vague or unanswered questions, and overpromising.

The Problem and Solution

Dealing with tax issues is one of the biggest stressors for Americans. Millions of people have trouble paying their tax bills, filing on time, and maintaining other tax obligations. This leads to a big need for legal help from an experienced tax attorney or CPA.

Whatever tax issue you’re dealing with, from unfiled returns to back taxes to tax liens, scheduling a free consultation with an attorney is the right move forward. Find out why a free consultation with a tax attorney is important, how they work, and how to prepare with the right questions. 

Why Are Free Consultations Important?

Think of a free consultation as a taste of the service you’ll get. What’s great, however, is that there’s no pressure to move forward after the call. You haven’t paid for anything, so you can take an objective approach to finding the right law firm.

Free consultations give you the opportunity to truly assess your concerns. The top benefits of a free consultation include:

  • Assess how comfortable you feel with the attorney and/or staff
  • Figure out whether you need an attorney or not for your issue
  • Determine whether the firm has handled cases like yours
  • Ask if the attorneys have the experience you’re looking for
  • Find out the steps you need to take to begin a solution for your case
  • Save time and money by avoiding wasting it on the wrong fit
  • Find out the firm’s approach and strategy

You can ask any questions you want during an IRS lawyer free consultation. It’s a no-strings-attached interview of sorts that helps you find out if your needs will be met with the firm.

Why Law Firms Offer Free Consultations

So, what’s in it for the law firm? You may think that a free tax attorney consultation sounds too good to be true. However, there are several benefits for attorneys, too. 

First, a free consultation is attractive to potential clients. So, offering these consultations helps the firm attract attention and get more business. The free consultation can also show clients that lawyers understand resources are tight, and that they want taxpayers with legal trouble to be able to find help in an affordable way. 

Law firms can also use free consultations as a tool to showcase their expertise. They can answer any initial questions clients have and provide support and guidance on the next steps. This immediately creates trust and starts to build a relationship.

Free consultations help attorneys stand out, attract clients, and show their skills. These consults can be a win win for both law firms and clients looking for help. 

Set up your free consultation today with the Timothy S. Hart Law Group.

Free versus Paid Attorney Consultations: What’s the Difference?

It’s important to understand the difference between a regular consultation and a free consultation. Some law firms only offer paid consultations, or this may be the next step after your free meeting. 

Free consultations are all about talking about your problem, assessing expertise, and finding out if the law firm is a good fit. You could even figure out that you don’t need a lawyer for your situation just by talking to one about your tax concerns.

Paid consultations are a bit more involved. Instead of the getting-to-know-you approach, these consults may include a financial analysis, process review, and in-depth legal advice about the tax system. Some paid consultations may require submitting paperwork beforehand so the attorney can research prior to the meeting. 

Always look for the free consultation option when you have questions about your situation or are just looking for the right attorney. You want to avoid paying hundreds of dollars only to find out that the law firm isn’t right for you. 

Only agree to a paid consultation if you know you want to work together, and you will be getting substantial value and assistance from the meeting.

What to Expect During Consultations

Free consultations with law firms are all about getting to know your problems and your goals. The attorney is there to answer your questions, but they’ll also have questions for you as well. Sometimes, you may first speak to a paralegal or another attorney who may not be the one you work with later.

The attorney will likely want to know what led to your tax issue and the amount of taxes you owe. They’ll want to know about any communication you’ve had with the IRS and whether you’ve taken any steps on your own yet. 

Then, after giving you time to ask your specific questions about the firm and its services, the attorney will usually walk you through what the whole process will look like if you decide to work together. They should provide rough timelines and steps you’ll take together.

Finally, it’s a must to understand their fee structure before you get off the call. Make sure you get specific information about how and when you’ll be charged. 

Note that the firm may not be able to fully review your financials and situation until you have your next paid consult. The initial meeting is just to help you determine whether you want to work together and what the process and cost will be.

Steps for Preparing for a Free Consultation

So, if you’re looking to work with a tax attorney to resolve your issue, what should you do before the free consultation? Here are a few ways to prepare effectively:

Gather All Relevant Documents

First, you’ll need to explain what’s going on. Gather all documents related to your case, including your tax return, financial information from the given year, and communication you’ve had with the IRS, including notices and forms. Having everything in one place will help you explain your situation succinctly.

Create a Timeline of Your Issue

It’s also important for the attorney to understand how long you’ve been dealing with this issue. Is this your first tax problem? When did it start? What steps have you taken, if any, since the start of the issue? For example, if you have a lot of back taxes building up, you’ll need to know the first year you started to owe and when you first received penalty notices.

Write Down Your Questions

Think about the legal advice you need and everything you need to know to make a decision about working with an attorney. Ask about:

  • Cost and timing of payment
  • Process/Approach
  • Previous cases like yours
  • Experience
  • Potential outcomes

Even if you uncovered facts through a Google search already, it’s best to ask a legal professional. Use the free consultation to its full advantage by getting in all your questions and concerns.

Think about Your Desired Outcome

Depending on your tax problem, there could be a few different routes to take for a resolution. For example, setting up a payment plan to pay off your balance will be different than trying to appeal an IRS penalty. Think about what you want the desired outcome to be before getting on the phone with an attorney. This will help them customize their services to your needs. That said, tax attorneys understand that tax law is complicated, and if you’re not sure of the best outcome, they will walk you through the possible options.

Create a Budget

Finally, consider what attorney fees will cost you. Part of the reason you’re scheduling a consultation may be to find out the cost, but create a preliminary budget. What is the most you could afford? Consider how the additional legal expenses will add to your existing tax bill, if applicable. If you’re struggling to understand how you’ll cover the costs, talk to the attorney about that too.

Questions to Ask in a Free Consultation

As you’re preparing for a free tax attorney consultation, you need to come up with the right questions to fully assess the firm. Preparing in advance ensures you don’t get off the phone and realize you forgot something important. Consider these questions to ask the attorney:

What experience do you have with my issue?

This question shows the firm’s expertise in this specific area. You want to work with someone who focuses on your tax issue so you can ensure they’ll be able to help. Ask to see success stories or past results to find out more. 

How can you help me?

You want to know exactly what the firm will do to help you get through your tax problem. This includes whether they’ll take care of paperwork for you, handle communication, and fight for your rights. 

Who will I be working with?

You also want to know which attorney you’ll be working with if it’s not the person you’re talking to. Is this the person who will be handling your case from start to finish? Will you be given the chance to talk to them before making your decision?

Will you negotiate with the IRS for me?

Next is ensuring they can take on the IRS. Ask about their experience dealing with the agency. If you’re hiring an attorney, you want them to step in and handle negotiations and communications whenever possible.

What is your payment structure?

Find out exactly how much services will cost and when you’ll pay. Make sure this is clear and that there aren’t any additional surprise fees that will come later.

What are the potential outcomes of my situation?

It’s helpful to know the potential consequences of your tax problem. Ask specifics about what the future could hold when all is said and done.

How will we communicate moving forward?

Find out if the law firm prefers texting, emails, or phone calls. Ask who you will reach out to throughout the process — whether it should be the office or the attorney directly.

Warning Signs to Watch for in Attorney Consultations

Much of the time, the right fit will give you the right feeling, so listen to your gut. However, there are still red flags to watch for when you’re meeting with attorneys. Here are a few warning signs in free consultations:

  • Overly salesy or pushy: You don’t want to feel intense pressure to move forward before getting your questions answered and ensuring it’s the right fit. They shouldn’t make you feel obligated to them. They should instead be helpful and patient.
  • No experience: Everyone has to start somewhere, but you don’t want to work with an attorney with zero experience in your specific area.
  • Lots of attorney speak: It’s hard to assess what an attorney will do for you if you don’t understand what they’re saying. Watch for firms that don’t break things down in simple language to help you grasp everything.
  • No answers: You need clear answers to your questions. If the attorney is really vague or clearly doesn’t know the right answer, that could be a big red flag.
  • Overpromising: Watch out for language that seems like extreme exaggeration, like making unrealistic guarantees. This may show that the attorney isn’t being honest or transparent.  

Hiring a tax attorney is no small decision. Be careful when you see any of these warning signs. You want to work with someone who will be honest with you throughout the process and has the experience and reputation to help you succeed. 

Find Expert Tax Help with the Timothy S. Hart Law Group

A tax lawyer free consultation is a great step forward when you’re dealing with a stressful tax issue. You don’t have to agree to anything just yet and can assess the law firm and its costs and processes. Consultations give you a glimpse of what working together would be like. 

Timothy S. Hart is a seasoned tax attorney and CPA with experience resolving many different tax issues in New York and with the IRS, including tax audits, unfiled tax returns, offers in compromise, criminal tax charges, and many more.

Get in touch with the Timothy S. Hart Law Group to schedule your free consultation.

Attorney Timothy Hart

Timothy S Hart, the founding partner of the tax law firm of Timothy S. Hart Law Group, P.C. is both a New York Tax Lawyer & Certified Public Accountant. His area of expertise includes innovative solutions to solve your Internal Revenue Service and New York State tax problems, including tax settlements through the Federal and New York State offer in compromise programs, filing unfiled tax returns, voluntary disclosures, tax audits, and criminal investigations. [ Attorney Bio ]